About Me.

Hey there.

I’m Tash, the artist behind Hue and Halo

First, I want to say thanks for stopping by. Your support really means a lot to me as an independent artist. Seriously, you are awesome!

Hue and Halo came about after a couple of, lets just say, *challenging years, (hello global pandemic, among other things,) feeling disconnected and burnt out I decided I had to prioritize my happiness and dreams, life is just too short & good for the mundane and stress to take center stage.

A big dream I’ve held quietly since I can remember, is to be an artist and although I even studied art, I held the belief that it wasn’t a ‘realistic‘ career, so I trialed a lot of other avenues trying to fill the creative void (makeup artist, fashion design, cook to name a few) and whilst I did love all of these things, they just didn’t fit. So a year ago, I sat myself down and asked honestly, no masks or people pleasing? all concerns aside, when do I feel most like myself? The answer…. loud and clear, “When i’m painting & drawing” I knew I had to follow that instinct.

This is also how I paint, By instinctively choosing and placing colours, brush strokes, weight and textures. I paint what feels good and honest to that moment. I let my environment influence me, music, textiles, design play a big part, but my biggest muse always remains with nature, for her quiet strength and beauty.

My preferred mediums are acrylic paints and inks on canvas or textured artists paper and more and more i’m diving deeper into the world of abstract (you’ll especially see this in my up coming work very soon)

For me painting in this expressive style is about freedom, energy, playfulness, it’s a curious and open conversation,

I hope you feel a similar connection and that my art evokes warmth, beauty, freedom and optimism for you too.

Collaborations and Commissions

I am open to collaborations! I also take commissions that aligns with my style and body of work.

Email me at hello@hueandhalo.com.au to enquire

Social media

Make sure to follow me on Instagram - this is where I share my processes and tips daily.

And finally, follow my Facebook - for daily dose of inspiration!